Sagittarius Hurt


I ran into a couple of people questioning how to hurt a Sagittarius Female and get underneath their skin. Well here I am to blog about my personal hurts.

Lets start out with some basics, 1. A sagittarius female will hurt you before you even know what hit you across the face and we are very disconnected people and if we aren’t into someone we will avoid them at all cost. So if they’re not into you..then you really can’t hurt them. But if they are..

Sagittarian females are very complex people. One half of us wants to bring down the wrath of God on those who hurt us and then the other half wants to cuddle those people. It all depends on the situation. If a Sagittarius female puts her heart, soul and trust into something and then you break it..prepare for her never to love you again. It’s similiar to that one quote that says..

“Some Day You’ll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You,
Some Day You’ll Miss Me Like I Missed You,
Some Day You’ll Need Me Like I Needed You,
Some Day You’ll Love Me But I Won’t Love You”

Sagittarian Females need to see you hurt if you hurt them. When you hurt them they instantly develop a strong repressive feature in their mind to help them cope with the pain. Though they may want to call you and cry, they won’t. The only way they would call and be hurt would be if you left them for no reasoning what so ever. They may try to contact you to figure out what went wrong. If you keep ignoring them, you can kiss it all goodbye. ALL OF IT. These girls won’t even make eye contact with you if you hurt them. They may forgive you later and have small talk with you. But they’ll gallop into the sunlight as though you never existed and you’ll be the one standing there smacking yourself in the head asking why you ever let them go.  Thing about Sagittarius is that their love is temporary, not eternal. Their love is only eternal for the one person they feel a fated pull towards. They’re believers in fate. They believe that fate will bring them the right person and they’ll just know. So unless you’re this guy to a Sagittarius, you’re pointless. And incapable of truly hurting them because they know you’re temporary. If you are that guy or even girl to a Sagittarius and you betray them, they will become very very cold and cruel. Borderline the nastiest person you’ll ever meet. Every guy I know who has truly gotten underneath a Sagittarians skin now says that ever time she looks at him it’s pure dark hatred. Chances are that Sagittarians really loved that person and that person did something they can never take back. Sagittarius will act happy and pretend for people but she/he never forgets the wrong done to them. And you’re chances of them ever loving you again are gone. When she is capable of trusting you and truly loving you, this girl will give you her world. It’s almost childlike. You’re her hero. There is no one else like you. You’re her number one. You’re her best friend and her better half. She’ll make you goofy little crafts and put heart-shapped notes in your lunch. Her love for you is very pure and it will probably take you back to how you felt as a little kid when there was that one ultimate girl. But don’t think she is a push over and don’t take her for granted, ever. If you do, kiss her love goodbye. It’s not her fault she thought you were a Romeo and you turned out to be a disrespectful undeserving loser. This won’t hurt her. This will cause her to resent you. She’ll stay together while resenting you until something better comes along. One last thing, never ever ever ever get in the way of her career goals. Trust me, Sagittarians love their career more then they love you. They may never say that or show it. But deep down inside, our first love is our goals. If you managed to get a ring on a Sagittarians finger, then you’re the one person that can break her down. She really loves you. And if you mess her over she will make every guy after you suffer and she’ll never fall in love again. I’ve seen this too many times. It’s not pretty which is why I usually close off my heart and take things really slow with relationships.

So here is the bottom line of all this rambling. You can’t really hurt Sagittarians. Our restless and flightiness won’t allow it. Neither will our goals/ambitions in life. You mean very little in the grand scheme. You may have hurt a Sagittarius for 5 Mins, but they will be over it by tomorrow morning. Unless they really loved you and you did something unforgivable. Which is very rare with a Sagittarius.  Betrayal..means that you never want us to care for you ever again. Betray the love they try and give you and you might as well not even call..we won’t pick up. And we will stab you if you come within 2 feet of us.

If Ignorance is Bliss..


I am reading a book called The Ernesto “Che” Guevara School for Wayward Girls by William F. Gavin. He is known for being a speechwriter for President Nixon.

This book sheds light on the absurdity and corruption in the White House, Government and Politicians. He uses a very intriguing story line while maintaing a witty sense of humour in exploiting the crookedness of the right and left. Some may read this book and think that it’s insulting and boorish. I have not completed the book yet. But I can see some slight bias with his writing in terms of  left and right. And which way is the “correct” way. Bottom line. Politicians are corrupt, whether you want to believe it or not. I think possibly one of the funniest and saddest statements I’ve heard from a friend in college is “I am going to vote for the party that has the best interest for the American people and really cares for me.” After completion of the sentence I had to break the news to her, someone had to. The day she found out the government didn’t have the best interests for her was the day she kicked the frame.

I will compose a final overview of the book in terms of “Pros” and “Cons” when I am done reading.

xx Christine

Who are you?


Q: Who are you?

A: Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve forgotten. I used to know myself so well. And then one day I woke up and all the sudden God was gone.

Q: Do you think God left you? Or did you leave God?

A: I think I left God. There is this well circulated story about a god who was turned into a pig and sent here on earth to be tested. He fell so in love with his pig lifestyle that he forgot who he really was. He spent his days rolling in the mud and mating with other pigs. Then the gods struck down his pig lover and revealed to him who he really was, he had completely forgotten. I think I am like that Pig. I’ve just forgotten who I am.

The question that changes everyone’s life arises at one point. Well there a multitude of questions involved in this one main question. Who are you? That question covers everything. How you respond to that question leads to further introspection. Sometimes when I stop and look inside myself I realize that I’m not really happy. But I put on such a good persona that it is completely believable to those around me that I am actually happy. But then there is always that gut feeling that eats you away of not truly living. Though I do not fear death. I have always had this reassurance whatever is going to happen in the end is going to happen and death is just a natural & peaceful process of life. The fear of hell and negativity do not exist in the divine realm. Fear is man mad and embedded into you through constant reflections on negativity. God is a balance of love and unity. God has no name, not even “God”. He is not black,white, male, female, light, or darkness. He is indescribable in words. Only thing I can think of to describe his presence is just a blissful essence. An essence that cannot be sought out in a Church or from another person. God has to come through you from within. If people could put all strong religious affiliations aside and just listen from inside they would see that God has never left. In fact, he has been there all along. We’ve just become too busy in our lives to notice. We’ve become wrapped up in material concern. We’ve placed our happiness in the hands of the materialistic world and superficial religious people.

I would know. That’s how I lost my identity.

xx Christine

Traveling Soul

Reading my astrological definition as a child they always said I would be a “Traveler”. I never really agreed with that statement growing up. I guess that could be because possibly I was so young I didn’t realize the underlying need to travel. I was in my own little world and all that existed was my own little world. But now as I get older and study other cultures the more I feel that I haven’t fully lived. Though I am thankful for all the traveling oppurtunites I was given due to my swimming, I still feel as though there could be more travel ventures in my life. Considering I’ve never left the USA. It won’t be long until my travel to the United Kingdom. If only today was May 2010.

Passportsxx Christine



Lately I’ve been drawn to studying after life experiences. In my quest to learn channeling more efficently. Now my question to you, do you believe in psychics?

I do. But I don’t believe in psychics charging/using their clairvoyance for selfish purposes. My readings are clear for other people, but I can never ever get a reading on myself. I mean I did once, well a couple of times. Once over a tornado I kept having recurring fears about (I live in Florida we never get tornados, but we did this one time) and about an ex-cheating on me with some girl named Kristin, which actually ended up being proven true. When he asked me how I knew all along I told him “God doesn’t like cheaters”. ha. I’ve had tons of them with friends though. A couple of months ago I told Jonathan that he was going to work in a bookstore and I could have sworn it was borders bookstore, but I kept seeing him in a bookstore as an employee. And then Barnes and Noble Bookstore called him about 3 days later, a couple of hours before another job interview. He told the bookstore manager that he was already offered something else but thank you. He came back and told me this after he hung up with the lady. I then flipped. I told him “no! you have to call her back! They’re supposed to call! You are supposed to be at that store. It’s in your lifes plan! call them back!” He looked at me and was astounded. He then flipped and I had to make him a speech of what to say in order to get the job. He called the manager back and said all the things I told him to. He ended up getting the job. And he loves it now. And it’s next door to his school.

But anyway. Those are some small personal experiences. There are many more, some big ones and some very small ones. But my point being this I think psychics should only use clairvoyance in order to help others with a struggle in life. No psychic is 100% accurate, ever. Anyone that claims they are is lying and you should run far away. “Visions” should come naturally and can never be forced. When you’re in the presence of a certain person that you’re supposed to be “seeing” for, it will happen. Never ever throw out random statements that seem to fit the moment and aren’t what you’re truly seeing. The thing I find that works best when reading people is touching their hands or arms, this fully absorbs their energy while you’re reading for them. BUT if you’re not channeling anything clearly don’t pretend! I cannot say this enough! Everyone has potential to channel for other people, but if you’re not meant to channel for a specific person, just tell them. This is coming from someone who is clairvoyant..never go after those people with the crystal balls and new age dresses with all the pendants and crystal rings. Some of the most clairvoyant people I know, don’t do this at all. ha. Especially me, my reading attire consists of a tye dye tshirt, jeans, hair up in chopsticks and nerdy glasses. And the final thing, realize that you can save the trip of seeing a clairvoyant person and being charged for a “reading” by developing your own skills. The same skills they have, you have. You just have to get back in touch with them. You’ve always had them, you just have to seek them out.

That brings me to my topic of Sylvia Browne. Hm.

I think she tries to help people and she has been very effective with a multitude of people. She puts off a very real energy though many don’t like her voice. She has had some short comings though. My theory, too many readings. When you’re channeling it works best if one person is there. What happens when you’re trying to answer 40 different questions you channel to many life paths and it just becomes a jumble of visions. It takes a lot out of you and no one is ever truly satisfied. I do not think there is such a thing as one psychic who has the universal answer to everything. I do not think Miss Browne pretends to either. And questions such as “What is my great aunts name?” are shallow questions. We don’t know your great aunts name. I mean some psychics might. What I perceive is more along the line of things that I see the person doing, marrying, going, ect. in the future. I don’t know names. No one speaks. I just see almost like photographs, it’s like flashes of a person in a certain place or doing a certain thing. I have had experiences in which I’ve gotten up in the middle of the night and looked at my cell phone and say outloud “Zach is going to call.” And then all the sudden the phone will ring and it will be Zach. Those experiences of knowing who is going to contact me and what day are as close as I get to names.

My main reason for blogging this is to tell people that psychics aren’t always what they’re protrayed as on TV.  We are all around you. We are normal people, pursuing normal careers, we have emotional baggage just like everyone else, and we are usually very quiet about the sights thing in our daily activities. (Unless of course, I really feel a pull for a person needing to know) And the most important part, you have the capabilities to do the same thing. So no one of us is more “special” then the other.

xx Christine