If Ignorance is Bliss..


I am reading a book called The Ernesto “Che” Guevara School for Wayward Girls by William F. Gavin. He is known for being a speechwriter for President Nixon.

This book sheds light on the absurdity and corruption in the White House, Government and Politicians. He uses a very intriguing story line while maintaing a witty sense of humour in exploiting the crookedness of the right and left. Some may read this book and think that it’s insulting and boorish. I have not completed the book yet. But I can see some slight bias with his writing in terms of  left and right. And which way is the “correct” way. Bottom line. Politicians are corrupt, whether you want to believe it or not. I think possibly one of the funniest and saddest statements I’ve heard from a friend in college is “I am going to vote for the party that has the best interest for the American people and really cares for me.” After completion of the sentence I had to break the news to her, someone had to. The day she found out the government didn’t have the best interests for her was the day she kicked the frame.

I will compose a final overview of the book in terms of “Pros” and “Cons” when I am done reading.

xx Christine