Who are you?


Q: Who are you?

A: Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve forgotten. I used to know myself so well. And then one day I woke up and all the sudden God was gone.

Q: Do you think God left you? Or did you leave God?

A: I think I left God. There is this well circulated story about a god who was turned into a pig and sent here on earth to be tested. He fell so in love with his pig lifestyle that he forgot who he really was. He spent his days rolling in the mud and mating with other pigs. Then the gods struck down his pig lover and revealed to him who he really was, he had completely forgotten. I think I am like that Pig. I’ve just forgotten who I am.

The question that changes everyone’s life arises at one point. Well there a multitude of questions involved in this one main question. Who are you? That question covers everything. How you respond to that question leads to further introspection. Sometimes when I stop and look inside myself I realize that I’m not really happy. But I put on such a good persona that it is completely believable to those around me that I am actually happy. But then there is always that gut feeling that eats you away of not truly living. Though I do not fear death. I have always had this reassurance whatever is going to happen in the end is going to happen and death is just a natural & peaceful process of life. The fear of hell and negativity do not exist in the divine realm. Fear is man mad and embedded into you through constant reflections on negativity. God is a balance of love and unity. God has no name, not even “God”. He is not black,white, male, female, light, or darkness. He is indescribable in words. Only thing I can think of to describe his presence is just a blissful essence. An essence that cannot be sought out in a Church or from another person. God has to come through you from within. If people could put all strong religious affiliations aside and just listen from inside they would see that God has never left. In fact, he has been there all along. We’ve just become too busy in our lives to notice. We’ve become wrapped up in material concern. We’ve placed our happiness in the hands of the materialistic world and superficial religious people.

I would know. That’s how I lost my identity.

xx Christine